Kids Church Registration

Use this page when:
  •  A family or child is not known to KCI so cannot be found when checking in at Kids Church
  • A parent/carer wants to complete a digital consent form for a child seeking to attend Kids Church 
  • You want to upload a scanned paper consent form for a new person attending Kids Church. Note: You must login to do this.

To complete a digital consent form, the Parent/Guardian will need:

  •     A mobile phone - to receive the consent form by text and email
  •   Access to the email account that must be entered

Parent/Guardians will need to read the Kids Church section of 'Safeguarding Information For Parents' before completing the form below.

How to complete the form below:

Enter Parent Details
The parent/guardian must add themselves as 'FIRST ADULT' . Please use a firstname, lastname and email that is already known to KCI . (Life group leaders can help with this)

Enter each child's details 
In the 'Children' section of the form below, click  Add Child for each child attending.  

 Finally, click the 'submit' button .

What happens next?
Immediately after registering, unless a consent form was uploaded manually, a digital consent form for each child will be sent by text message to the mobile phone of the person in 'First Adult'. Clicking the link in the message will open the consent form so it can be completed and signed. To verify the identity of the signer, a code will be sent to the email address given as soon as the form is opened. The code needs to be entered onto the consent form in the space provided  before it can be submitted.

On completion and signing of a consent form, children or youth can participate in the activity for which consent was being given. A copy will be sent to the signer and a copy will be saved by KCI for reference.

Family Pre-Registration

Adult Information

First Adult
